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If you have important vintage items which you are interested in selling and having the sale represented by The Paper Bag Princess, you may have the items valued and accessed by Elizabeth Mason personally at no cost.

Certified Appraisals are available FOR A FEE  and prepared for litigation, tax, estate, or insurance purposes, as well as  personal interest. Elizabeth Mason is a certified appraiser with the International Network of Appraisers and is also certified as IRS, U.S.A.P. compliant. Ms. Mason is on the roster of Certified Appraisers at the ROM, The Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, Canada.

Fees are varied depending on the type of required appraisal, and number of items.

All items would need to be examined in person by Ms. Mason and contracted to sell in The Paper Bag Princess Boutiques.

Please be sure to included information on whether it is your intention to sell the item(s) outright, or place them with the business on a consignment basis.

Elizabeth Mason Appraises Vintage Couture on MSNBC

Please use one of the following methods to submit appraisal.


  1. Complete all requested fields in the form below.
  2. Upload photos of the items to be appraised.

    [mfile* photo-upload min-file:1 max-file:20 id:upload filetypes:image/*|pdf|txt limit:2mb]

    Postal Mail:

    1. Download the PDF version of the appraisal form.
    2. Print out the form and supply all requested information.
    3. Send the completed form along with photos of the items to:

    Attention: Elizabeth M. Mason
    8818 Olympic Blvd
    Beverly Hills, CA 90211


    1. Download the TEXT version of the appraisal form.
    2. Copy and paste the contents of the form into an email message.
    3. Complete all requested fields.
    4. Attach photos of the items to be appraised to the email message.